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Tutorial Blog: The Best E Cigarette brand reviews of 2015

Posted by AutoBlog Den Eko Jumat, 30 Januari 2015 0 komentar

Tutorial Blog: The Best E Cigarette brand reviews of 2015

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The Best E Cigarette brand reviews of 2015

Posted: 30 Jan 2015 06:24 AM PST

After considered deliberation and researching every single technical aspect of pretty much every cigarette out there on the market (we even had to turn down companies from entering this guide because they didn't meet our criteria) we have reached a final list of three companies.

It's not about whether these e cigarettes did the job and fulfilled all requirements, this mission was about finding the hidden gemstones of the ecig world, the ones that keep you going back for more with the juiciest flavours that leave you feeling content.

A lot of factors were considered by us and these were essentially:

Safety: As they say safety comes first and it definitely applies to e3 cigarettes. The best e cigarette of 2015 has to be safe and it has to be regulated and all the companies we chose were in line with these views.

Build Quality: All ecigarettes need to be built to do the job without breaking within the first few weeks or months of being bought. If dropped they should be fine without scratches. If dropped a few times they should still be able to produce the same vaping strength they did initially. There is a lot of wear and tear with e cigarettes as they really become your right hand and an essential part of your life. They will drop eventually on the floor, on the pavement on any terrain you can imagine so this was quite an important one for us to study.

Battery life: You want to be able to take your e cigarette wherever you go, work, cinema, home, with friends out, parks, restaurants, to the toilet literally wherever you go you will want to take it with you so it is essential that the battery lasts, if it is always failing and you need to recharge it all the time then that is going to become a bummer. Our top 3 e cigs are built to last and the battery life is outstanding.

Range of accessories and flavours: The beauty of electronic cigarettes is that it's not the boring same old thing every day. You have the pleasure of choosing a different flavour every single time you vape, not even every day but every time it touches your lips. You can vape a different e juice after every meal if you want matching it to the meal as you would wine. So the top e cigarette companies would need to be bringing out different flavoured e liquids or optimizing their current selection on a regular period.

Ease of purchase and perks: Perks are described as discounts, return policies, guarantees and friendliness when dealing with company support. If something goes wrong with a product you don't want to jump through loops to get it exchanged. If you become a long term customer you want to be able to have a guarantee on your products and a few discounts along the way. If something does ever happen you want friendly customer service and to be treated like a valued consumer which some companies failed tremendously on during our research. Ease of purchase means if the website is user friendly, it loads fast, various forms of purchasing are accepted and if you are not spammed along the way with constant upgrades. Our top 3 ranked best e cigarettes have ticked all of these factors and did it miles ahead of the competition.

Recommendations: This was our final factor and we decided to include it because we believe it does provide that last confirmation of what we consider to be the best e cigarettes of 2015. If one of your friends or family members or even a stranger that you have never come across recommends a product it could be a good one. If several thousands of people do it, it must surely be a good one. If hundreds of thousands recommend a product then it has to be one of the best e cigarettes out there. In order to effectively confirm this factor various social media metrics and online reviews were evaluated.

Here are 3 best e cigarettes of 2015:

1. Greensmoke Electronic cigarettes


Faultless Safety.

Excellent Build Quality.

Best battery life of all.

Superb range of accessories and flavours.

Absolute best by far with regards to ease of purchase, perks and recommendations.


None that we could find.


2. Apllo Ecigs


Best Build Quality and safety.

A very long lasting battery.

Excellent selection of mods and e liquid flavours.

Great website user navigation and perk policy.


The only con we could find is there are not enough social media and online recommendations however we have found this is because the company has been a bit of a well kept secret and only recently is getting the promotion it deserves.

3. V2 Cigs e cigarettes


Good lasting battery and build quality.

Best selection of accessories and e liquid flavours.

Great ease in buying and stellar support.


Build Quality although is good they are easier to break or destroy by accidental damage than the other 2.

Also strength of vape can deteriorate over time quicker than the other 2. Even with the above it is still our third best e cig of 2015.

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